Pastoral Ministry Funds

Grant funding supports Parishes and pastoral programs in the Diocese of Bridgeport. With a focus on reinvigorating our Catholic faith and formation, this foundations prioritizes Priests, vocations, faith formation, discipleship, evangelization and justice. We are on a life long journey and strive to love and accompany our brothers, sisters and neighbors especially the most vulnerable among us. Click here to learn about the nine funds/ministries.

Grant Opportunities

We prioritize funding Parishes most in need. The Foundation values collaborations and partnerships. Parishes and Diocese of Bridgeport programs have the opportunity to apply and receive grants to support Bishop Caggiano's vision for The One by reimaging faith formation, exemplifying discipleship, engaging in evangelization and missionary outreach. The foundation has four types of grants designed to elevate relevant, creative, and replicable approaches to enhancing Pastoral Ministries. Click here to read more.

Welcome To
Foundations In Faith

Foundations in Faith embraces innovative approaches to funding Pastoral ministries in the Diocese of Bridgeport. Resources focus on energizing lifelong formation and discipleship and fostering a commitment to justice and accompaniment with our most vulnerable.

From Seminarians to Retired Priests, from Baptism to Last Rites, from suburbs to Inner cities.

The reach is broad, and the impact is meaningful.

Ensuring the vitality of our church demands immediate and ongoing efforts to listen, learn, connect, create, leverage and partner. Investments in time, talent and treasure will create furtile ground to plant seeds of discipleship. In our parish ministries, we must innovate, increase our evangelization efforts to welcome folks to come to or in some cases return to participation in parish life. Forming young people committed to Christ requires the reimagining of faith formation and the expansion of meaningful youth ministry programs. Our seminarys must continue to welcome, educate and form men for the priesthood, and as a Catholic community we will embrace our commitment to provide for the needs of our retired priests.

In our community, we must continue to show God’s love to those with intellectual and developmental disabilities; and meet the spiritual needs of the elderly living in nursing homes. Foundations in Faith will empower the Church in Fairfield County to support, strengthen and build collaborations to enrich our varied pastoral ministries.

Learn More

Amount distributed 24-25
24-25 Grants

Keep Up To Date

Stories and News

Click an image below to read the assoicated post on our Instagram page.
Congrats to Paul Cronin, FIF Board Member as he joins the Order of Malta.  Pictured here with FIF Board Chair and newly elected Treasurer of the American Association Order of Malta.
Foundations in Faith sponsors @bishopfrankcaggiano #LetMeBeFrank show on @veritascatholic and they invited us  to participate in their Fall Pledge Drive 🎙️ 

Listen on 11/19 at 3 PM but most importantly consider making a GIFT 💵 🤍 🕊️
Join us! Come see how these two Parishes are inspiring discipleship in the@most amazing ways.  Email
Foundations in Faith supports seminarians and vocations with annual grants.  In 2024 we provided over $125,000 in funding.  This will only cover educational costs for 2-3 seminarians. Please use the QR code to keep our excellent pipeline of future Priests moving forward.  Make your donation in honor of your favorite Priest!
Congratulations to Foundations in Faith 24-25 Grantees.  We are so very excited to hear about your programs and how they embrace Bishop Caggiano’s vision for The One.
#GranteeGratitude Tuesday — oops! 🙃 We missed our Monday post but our hearts are full just the same helping young adults in the Diocese of Bridgeport to stay close to Jesus 🤍
FIF collaborates! Do you?  The Institute for Catholic Formation has awesome resources for all of our grantees to use.  Sign up for all of there emails and leverage the power of collaboration.
The power of Perpetuity!
We love #GranteeGratitude Mondays because it gives us a chance to highlight the broad scope of our grantees. Up and down the @dioceseofbridgeport and across Parishes, Ministries, and Diocesan teams. Today, from one of JP II grant recipients and St. Francis Xavier Fund parish: St. Peter, Bridgeport 🤍
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