A spark, a change, something cool, can it be fun? 2020 is new year and a new decade; let’s brainstorm and collaborate. Imagine some new, fresh approaches to learning and living our faith. Get the youth involved, after all they “think out of the box” best; not to mention their enthusiasm is energizing.
Foundations in Faith is calling out to Priests, DREs, CREs, Youth Ministers, Parish Volunteers and most importantly young Catholics with exciting Good News! For the third year, parishes and churches in the Diocese of Bridgeport are invited to apply for funding to spark innovative approaches that will re-energize religious education programs, youth ministry initiatives or other faith formation projects that target underserved groups. You have an opportunity to bring together people especially the youth at your parish to brainstorm ways to reinvigorate, change up, try out new ways to live and learn our faith. Get creative and yes it can be fun!
Once you have your project plan, complete the application. All of your wonderful grant application ideas including a project budget will be submitted online and are due by April 2, 2020.
This is indeed a collaborative team approach on our end as well. We have a fabulous group of volunteers on the Grant Committee who will review your grant requests and make recommendations for funding to the Foundations in Faith Board of Directors in June.
All you need is a spark of inspiration and a team with a dream. Getting started is easy just two clicks away. First review the Criteria especially the terrific Tech Tips! Then get your people together and brainstorm ideas as it is time to “change the fabric of Faith Formation” – Bishop Caggiano
Click here for the 2020 Grant Criteria
Click here for the 2020 St. John Paul II Fund Grant Application
Please feel free to contact Kelly Weldon with questions after reviewing the criteria. Her email is kelly.weldon@foundationsinfaith.org