Author Archives: Kelly Weldon

St. John Paul II Fund Grant Applications are LIVE!

A spark, a change, something cool, can it be fun? 2020 is new year and a new decade; let’s brainstorm and collaborate. Imagine some new, fresh approaches to learning and living our faith. Get the youth involved, after all they “think out of the box” best; not to mention their enthusiasm is energizing. Foundations in Read More ››

Foundations in Faith welcomes Patrick Turner to the Board of Trustees

Patrick Turner served as the Director of Strategic and Pastoral Planning for the Diocese of Bridgeport from 2015-2019.  His major focuses during that time were the creation and implementation of a diocesan-wide pastoral planning process, facilitating parish mergers, and coordinating the implementation of the major recommendations that emerged from the Fourth Synod of the Diocese Read More ››

2019 JPII Fund Recipient

To celebrate the season of giving, the youth group of St. Theresa Church in Trumbull sponsored a pasta dinner and blanket service project last Saturday evening to benefit the Center for Family Justice. Over 100 members of the parish joined in fellowship to support the Binky Patrol, an organization that provides blankets to ill and Read More ››

F.A.I.T.H. on FIRE

F.A.I.T.H. Community Events At Holy Name of Jesus, Stratford On the morning of October 27th, a day that would have been recognizable to Noah as the time to batten down the hatches and set out on his epic, divine-inspired cruise, Faith Formation students, Parents, Family Members and Friends converged at Holy Name of Jesus for Read More ››

St. Peter’s Youth Group in Danbury – Doing it Right!

Mike Falbo, Youth Minister at St. Peter’s Youth Group in Danbury recognized that how we engage the teen youth must change. The old approaches to youth ministry are tired out and our youth crave for something new, fresh, meaningful. The St. John Paul II Fund supports Mike and the St. Peter’s Youth Group as they Read More ››

Foundations in Faith Adds New Talent to the Board of Trustees

On October 10th, 2019 the Foundations in Faith Board of Trustees unanimously and enthusiastically voted to approve two new directors- Ligia Masilamani and Diane Kremheller. Ligia is a wonderful addition to the board as she brings with her tremendous experience in social service program delivery and working with the disenfranchised. Foundations in Faith is about Read More ››

Being Bold For Christ

My friends and I started a young adult group called Catholic Adventures in May of 2018 and due to the success of our initiatives (praise God!), I began to prayerfully discern how we could evangelize the wider Stamford community (not just young adults). I expressed this desire to a friend who told me about Nightfever, Read More ››