Category Archives: Category: Faith Formation

St. George Children’s Choir debuts

By Rev. Andris Alexis Moronta, pastor of St. George Church in Bridgeport “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). Since arriving at St. George Catholic Church on July 1, 2020, my dream and prayer was to have a Read More ››

YIA Grants: “By youth and for youth”

BRIDGEPORT—Back in October, Foundations in Faith announced the continuation of its Youth in Action grant program, designed to be a “by youth and for youth” initiative that encourages young people to step into the driver’s seat when it comes to their faith formation. Foundations in Faith received a record number of applications this year, and Read More ››

SFX Warm Hearts

NORWALK—Foundations in Faith is pleased to share that the St. Francis Xavier Fund approved a $10,000.00 grant to offset costs for a new boiler at St. Joseph and St. Ladislaus Parish in Norwalk. The need was immediate as St. Joseph Church had no heat with Christmas Mass just a few days away! The SFX Committee Read More ››

Our Newly Launched Newsletter – By Rose Brennan

  Check out Foundations in Faith Monthly Newsletter for November  From the Board With the board recently launching the Lourdes Fund for Pastoral Care at Catholic Nursing Homes, it was important for Foundations in Faith to ensure all three of the benefitting nursing homes were on the same page. As a result, Foundations in Faith’s Read More ››

St. James Church Paves the Way with a Program on Racism

STRATFORD — It began as a simple conversation at St. James Parish about racism, a conversation at times unsettling but always illuminating, a conversation between people of different faiths and different ethnic groups. And from that discussion, which focused on the pastoral letter by the U.S. Bishops, “Open Wide Our Hearts,” a group of people Read More ››

FIF Supports and Celebrates Seminarians and Priests. We are Thrilled to Share Bishop Ordains Deacon Dormévil To The Priesthood

Reprinted and Shared from Fairfield County Catholic, Diocese of Bridgeport Bishop Ordains Deacon Dormévil To The Priesthood June 13, 2021 BRIDGEPORT — Bishop Frank J. Caggiano ordained Deacon Guy Dormévil to the priesthood on Saturday, the Memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, urging the widowed father of two adult children “to become through grace Read More ››