Applications go live February 15th. Visit Application Information tab below for details.

Applications go live February 15th. Visit Application Information tab below for details.

FIF Distributes $100K in COVID-19 Emergency Funding to Parishes

Foundations in Faith recently launched the COVID-19 Emergency Fund within the St. Francis Xavier (SFX) Mission Church Fund.
Through the generosity and flexibility of a leadership donor to the We Stand with Christ campaign, Bishop Frank Caggiano, together with the donor, proposed that during this extraordinary crisis “a portion of the St. Francis Xavier Fund for Mission Churches be made available to grant limited emergency financial assistance to those parishes that face an immediate cash liquidity problem due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Because churches have been closed, there have been no regular weekly collections. Offertory money pays basic costs such as utilities, staff salaries, and groceries for priests. As a result, many parishes are being forced to take drastic cost-cutting measures, according to Kelly Weldon, Director of the Foundation. This emergency fund will help the worst-hit parishes confront the crisis and continue operating.
Members of the St. Francis Xavier Fund for Mission Church Committee, known as “SFX” for short, are passionate about the Emergency Fund. “We have an opportunity to provide essential support to parishes during this time frame, as they look to pay the bills to keep their doors open for the future, and as they pivot to reach out to parishioners in a new environment”, said Patrick Turner, Chair of the St. Francis Xavier Fund. A short list of criteria was created to identify parishes who qualify to apply for funding and a user-friendly online application process was established. As of Friday, April 17, the Committee has approved five grants totaling $100,000 for distribution. We expect that number to double in the coming days. There is a limited amount of resources and parishes who qualify to apply are encouraged to submit their applications by April 24th.
“If there is a silver lining to this crisis, it is the generosity of the people in our diocese,” Weldon said. “Our major donor, leading by example, made this emergency fund available because he wants to make sure churches can get through this crisis period. This is about social justice and helping our brethren. We cannot stand by as a Diocese and let an unprecedented situation like this destroy a part of our family. We are all in this together and we have to help each other out.”
Foundations in Faith supports significant pastoral work throughout Fairfield County through a number of mission-specific funds. Distributions from We Stand with Christ is enabling these funds to grow and support ministries now and into the future. The St. Francis Xavier Mission Church Fund was established to support parishes with pastoral vitality, vibrancy in fellowship and ministries, but strained finances. This Fund will support much needed capital repairs and expanded pastoral resources that may be beyond the financial capacity of these parishes which are located in the most economically challenged communities in the Diocese.
To donate to the SFX COVID-19 Emergency Fund for Mission Churches, or to learn more, please visit You may contact for more detailed information.