Patrick Turner served as the Director of Strategic and Pastoral Planning for the Diocese of Bridgeport from 2015-2019. His major focuses during that time were the creation and implementation of a diocesan-wide pastoral planning process, facilitating parish mergers, and coordinating the implementation of the major recommendations that emerged from the Fourth Synod of the Diocese of Bridgeport (September 2014-September 2015).
Patrick joined the Diocese of Bridgeport as Deputy Director of the Synod in June 2014. His responsibilities included managing the Synod process, working with members of the Synod Commission, Delegates, lay leaders and volunteers, coordinating the Closing Mass at Webster Bank Arena for 8,000 participants, and providing frequent Synod communications updates to the Catholics in Fairfield County through news articles, editorials, videos, and website information.
Prior to arriving in Bridgeport, Patrick served as a Vicariate Representative for the Diocese of Brooklyn from September 2006 to June 2014. In that role, Patrick served as a bridge between the Diocesan curial offices and the more than 90 parishes in Brooklyn. His principal responsibilities included outreach and advocacy to the pastors, parish staffs, and lay leadership. Working in conjunction with the Office of Pastoral Planning, he assisted parishes, groups of parishes, and Deaneries in developing and implementing pastoral and strategic plans. His role also involved working with the Curial offices to respond more effectively to the needs expressed by the parishes.