The Guild of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, which promotes sacred arts in the Diocese of Bridgeport, will hold a series of Nights of Adoration as part of the National Eucharistic Revival proclaimed by the U.S. Catholic Bishops.
Catholics are invited to attend the evenings, which will include praise and worship, intercessory prayer, confession, spiritual talks and Eucharistic Adoration. They are being organized by the Guild’s newly formed Sodiality of Praise and Worship, which was approved by Bishop Frank J. Caggiano in discussions with Father Michael Clark, rector of the Guild.
The first “Heart to Heart Night of Adoration” will be held on September 24 at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Stamford, beginning at 6:30 p.m. It will be followed by monthly “Heart to Heart” nights at different churches from September through May.
Holy Name will also host them in November and December. Three will be held at St. Jude Church in Monroe, and then three more at a location to be announced in Bridgeport.
“All are welcome to meet new and old friends as we sit in Adoration to be renewed by Christ’s True presence in the Most Blessed Sacrament,” said Liz Sweeney, communications manager of the Guild. “We will have the opportunity to be stirred by God’s Word, encounter Jesus in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and have our hearts lifted in reverent praise and worship.”
Transitional Deacon Ferry Galbert, who is assisting with the Heart to Heart Nights, said, “This apostolate endorsed by Bishop Caggiano is an effort to make Christ known and loves as He is truly present in the Blessed Sacrament. All you need to know is in the name of this apostolate: ‘Heart to Heart.’ These Holy Hour evenings are to render some homage to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who knows and loves us as his Church and also desires to communicate his love intimately to us, individually, as we journey with Him to the Father’s Heart.”
Deacon Galbert said he hopes these hours spent in prayer with the Lord in the Eucharist become “an opportunity for the for the people of God to be open to the Heart if Christ, to be acquainted with his presence and to love Him.”
He said the nights of adoration will “be the catalyst, allowing the Holy Spirit to do his work in us, infusing in us his anointing and healing, and equipping us with the transformative power of Christ that can change the world, reviving one heart at a time as we go about in society, giving witness to Him.
“These nights will encourage people by letting them see other believers sharing their faith, but more importantly rendering our affections and gratitude communally to our Eucharistic Lord,” he said. “Oftentimes, the spiritual life and journey can be a struggle and lonesome, where we can be tempted to think, ‘I’m alone, God has forgotten me, no one truly understands my situation.’ These doubts can subtly creep into our prayer life and cause discouragement. The good news is that we can use these moments to remind us of the fact that we are known and loved by God.”
Sweeney said that childcare will be provided so families can gather together and give parents a chance for personal prayer.
“We hope this evening provides an opportunity for all folks in all seasons to encounter Christ’s light, love, mercy and renewal, which knows no bounds,” she said.
Heart to Heart Nights of Adoration are in part funded through a grant from Foundations in Faith.